Questions to check knowledge depth

  1. Why does a business need Scrum?

  2. If we use Scrum, what company structure will be the right one for us? How many products, PO, PBL, teams, or increments do we need?

  3. Who forms the teams and how?

  4. How long should Sprints be? Why?

  5. Why do we need Sprints at all?

  6. What’s the correlation between Sprints and releases?

  7. We don’t invite users to Sprint Review. What do you think about that?

  8. How does Scrum help businesses stay adaptable, fast, and provide value to the users?

  9. If Scrum were reduced to one element, what would it be?

Questions to check the extent of experience

  1. What is your current role as a Scrum Master?

  2. What levels have you worked at: individual work, with a team, on several teams, on a product, or within an organization?

  3. What meaningful achievements did your team and company meet as a result of your work?

  4. What are some results of your work you’re really proud of?

  5. Share an example where you broke a Scrum rule or value. What are the lessons you learned?

  6. What is the structure in your current company? How many PO, PBL and teams do you have? Could any team sign up for any PBL element? Who’s PO? What’s in PBL? Give a couple of examples.

  7. What changes within the company you were involved with?

  8. What is the level of self-organization in your team? What would be the specific actions that helped improve it?